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Laminar Air Flow: a straight flow of air without and interference.

">Laminar Air Flow
 : a straight flow of air without and interference.

LKP (Last Known Position): the last location of the missing subject, substantiated by evidence or clues. The LKP changes with the discovery of clues/evidence.


  (Last Known Position): the last location of the missing subject, substantiated by evidence or clues. The LKP (Last Known Position): the last location of the missing subject, substantiated by evidence or clues. The LKP changes with the discovery of clues/evidence.


 changes with the discovery of clues/evidence.


Author: ERI: Emergency Response International
Looping Scent: when scent travels upwards from a source, and settles down away from the source. Occurs with little to no wind at the source.

">Looping Scent
 : when scent travels upwards from a source, and settles down away from the source. Occurs with little to no wind at the source.

Author: Linda Warshaw

VSRDA Glossary

  • Turbulent Air Flow
    Turbulent Air Flow: When flowing air hits an obstacle/object and causes airflow chaos.  
  • Thermal
    Thermal: Layers of air, separated by temperature (and humidity).  
  • Tracking
    Tracking (Dog): dogs are able to follow a human scent, by following the footsteps. Tracking dogs may also be following the odor of crushed vegetation and soil bacterial action.  Visualize the dog's
  • Trailing
    Trailing (Dog): dogs are scent specific and require a scent article, with a track. Visualize the dog's Nose Down and Up, working some distance from the actual footsteps.
  • Target Odor
    Target Odor: (aka Source) odors which detector dog are trained to detect. 
  • Temperament
    Temperament: The general consistence with which the animal behaves.